Bored Housewives Network

Getting through the day, one bonbon at a time.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Oh where, oh where, have the Bored Housewives gone?

Oh where oh where could they beeeeee????

it's been too long since anyone's posted any fresh bitching, moaning and complaining! I know a few of you are pregnant again - you must have aches and pains you can share with us! And Kris - tell us more about the real estate market on the Sunshine Coast and Nelson! And Dopps, how's that Sam of yours? Libby - how was the yoga retreat????

News ladies, I want some news!!!

Cyber hugs,

p.s. we are well - (my) Sam's a nutbar these days; chat chat chat all day long. Tonight I made the bath a teensy wee bit too hot - he spent the rest of the night reminding me "mama bath too hot. Mama bath too hot." Way to make me feel guilty.


  • At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, please start posting here again! I'm not a bored housewife, but I am a grad student who loves distraction.

  • At 8:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said…

    I know, we are all big slackers! I have been whining about my pregnancy and my life elsewhere, but I'll try harder to post here.

    Anne-Marie, A does the same thing! We get a running commentary all day long. Someone showed her a Tickle Me Elmo she didn't like and for the rest of the day all we heard was "Elmo. Lie down. Giggle. Scawy."

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger Tammy said…

    Those are awesome pics! It would be so cool if everyone could post a few recent photos to catch up. Actually, that gives me an idea for a post of my own...

  • At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey - I'm a newbe. I'm 37 got two teenage kids and a husband. I'm totally taken advantage of and feel like the loneliest person in the world. If anybody is interested in more whinning let me know I have lots of crap to get off my chest.

  • At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi guys,
    I'm a bored housewifes husband terribly concerned about his wife who seems to be falling further into a hole. Please help me to introduce her to your network where all of you can help her overcome this stage and move on.

    Her name is Helen and I know if I send you her email she will of course realise I have triggered you all to contact and help her out, any advice on how I can do this? My name is Manny and we live in Singapore, both of us are British. My personal email is;

    I hope you can help me pick her up and give Helen a vehicle to move away from the depression and realise she can enjoy your experiences.



  • At 6:13 AM, Blogger multitaskinmamma said…

    hi there im a newbie to this site , been looking on google for bored house wives and you can imagine wot i found.. well if i wasthat way inclined i wouldnt be bored anymore..if you get my drift!!im a @ home mum with 3 kids 1 x12 and 2 under 5 so borrrrrrrrrred witless somedays,as peppapig & dora dont really stimulate the old brain cells any one fancy a chat ?


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