Drinkin' from a STRAW!!

Wow, the past few months have been a little stressful here because after 6 months, babies are supposed to be able to drink from a sippy cup and Rian would maybe take a sip, then wave the cup around making it rain...
Until the BHN posting on straws!!! Now when I was preggy, straws were huge as I wanted max comfort with min effort or sloppyness... so we've got loads of straws! And look!!! So thank you Melissa and this one is a 'cheers' your way! He drank 1/3 glass of awful-tasting formula with his lunch! Hurrah!
[Have thought about introducing homo milk but am somehow awed by all the vitamins and minerals he can get from formula - and I was comparing President's Choice (store-brand) with my free sample of Nestle's Good Start and PC totally packs a better punch, not to mention isn't embarassing when you leave the tin out and friends come over!]

Later all!
At 1:37 PM,
Melissa said…
yippeee! kris is back & rian is drinking from a straw! i've missed you guys! adorable photo.
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