rebelle without a cause

I have a confession to make. Before I got pregnant, when landisdad and I were just practicing to make babies, I was sure that I wanted a boy. I grew up with three brothers, and lots of male friends--I was sure I didn't know how to deal with little girls, even though I had been one. But when I did find out I was pregnant, I immediately began hoping for a girl. When we went for the ultrasound, I was certain it would be a girl, and I was right.
But I was also right that I didn't really know how to deal with a girl. Or rather, I didn't really know how to deal with a miniature version of myself. Because that's what the Bee is, a miniature, but not diminished, version of me. And just like I have my bad days, so does she.
There are days when I think, would it be easier if she was a boy? My son is a much more easy-going kid, but is that due to his second child status? His gender? His genetic code? We'll never know for sure. It's the kind of thing you could drive yourself crazy thinking about, and yet I persist. Because surely not every first child says things like, "I hate you!" and "you're not my real mother!" just because you make them do their homework.
Nearly every day, I mentally compose an apology letter to my own mother. I never send it, because I'm still too bitter about our relationship growing up.
You see, she never bought me the motorcycle jacket.
At 7:01 PM,
Melissa said…
Girls, Boys..i imagine it all amounts to the same thing. Nile is an absolute terror just like (i've heard) i was when i was his age.
isn't it extraordinary how having our own children makes us reflect on what our parents must have gone through? honestly, not a DAY goes by anymore without me thinking "if only i had known back then that parenting was this hard, i would have gone waaaay easier on my mom!"
i mean, just the diaper changing alone should entitle us moms to some kind of special treatment, but instead it seems like nile reserves his absolute worst behaviour for me. what's up with that?
At 8:54 AM,
Cataclysm said…
Gads, I really thought I was having a girl too, until the ultrasound. So convinced I was that when Rian had his legs wide open and there was this 'extra', my first thought was, "whats wrong with my daughter". The scanner said very slowly - Its-a-BOY...
And a couple things I've noticed about the perhaps biological differences between boy and girl babies is that:
- boys seem to have a very hard time with teething, where most girls seem to coast through kinda well.
- girls seem to have a lot more drive, energy, strong personality, whatever at an earlier age. This is a huge generalization but it seems that boys after the age of 1 year then kinda wake up up and have the umph of their girl counterparts.
And big thumbs up from Vancouver for getting Bee the leather jacket! Why not have the outside match the inside?! Saves people the time of guessing... they'd just know that you don't mess wid her!! Just post pics!
At 1:45 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
Even thought N. wanted a girl, I knew for sure I was having a boy and when it was confirmed by ultrasound, my first thought was 'what the hell do boys wear?' and 'I don't know how to clean a penis!'.
The way I see it, if we would have had a girl, we wouldn't have a Sammy and that would be a tragedy...
At 3:34 PM,
Tammy said…
'I don't know how to clean a penis!'
Hee! That actually made me laugh out loud. And it reminded me of how relieved I was when I learned that you don't have to do anything weirdly invasive to clean a baby's uncircumcized penis. Whew.
isn't it extraordinary how having our own children makes us reflect on what our parents must have gone through? honestly, not a DAY goes by anymore without me thinking "if only i had known back then that parenting was this hard, i would have gone waaaay easier on my mom!"
See, this is where my mom really screwed me over. According to her, I was a sweet, docile little lamb who was content to draw pictures or read quietly to myself for hours on end. (Isn't a mother's memory awesome? I hope mine works this way someday.) So OF COURSE I figured that my own child would be the same as me. HAHAHAHAHA!
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