He just turned 9 months last week and is turning into quite the little man. Refuses to crawl and would stand all day if I let him - you can start to see frustration in his eyes when he's sitting down and stuck on his butt, unable to reach a toy. Babbles away constantly and lately, has been drooling so much that you are covered in spit after 5 minutes of holding him in your arms. At night, when we put him to bed, we can hear him on the monitor talking to his bunny. We like to think he's relaying everything he did that day "well, first I had some booby then some cereal. And then, I got dressed and we went to the park and played on the swings...".
His hair has been growing in lots lately, same colour as his dad's. Just as cute, too (ahhhh...).
He loves his fruit, but not a big fan of the veggies, but really can you blame him? I'd take mango over broccoli any day! He knows where it's at!
Anyways, that's (my) Sam.
side note: a good friend of mine who's unsure whether or not to have kids, asked me recently how it had changed my life and whether I missed my 'old' life. I couldn't really find the words until today - I realize, life before Sam was easier. Life after Sam is better. Simple, but that's the only way to describe it.
At 7:53 PM,
Tammy said…
"At night, when we put him to bed, we can hear him on the monitor talking to his bunny."
"Life before Sam was easier. Life after Sam is better."
That is awesome. I may need to quote you. (Where shall I send the royalty cheque to?)
At 8:07 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
You know where I live... heh-you wouldn't even have to change the name!
At 4:01 PM,
Cataclysm said…
Hey, I already quoted that one too on Rian's little blog... no sense me tryin' to say the same thing less well....
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