Ten months
A letter to baby A on her ten-month birthday.
And, as a special treat, some video of her crawling!

Okay, somebody else post now, so I don't feel like I'm hogging the place up.
And, as a special treat, some video of her crawling!
Okay, somebody else post now, so I don't feel like I'm hogging the place up.
At 6:03 PM,
Melissa said…
i love the video clip. what a cutie!
At 3:06 PM,
Cataclysm said…
Love this too!!! And big ditto to Melissa O's... A is such a CUTIE!!!
And as for your brokedown baby post - Rian also has become a terrible sleeper again (thankfully I didn't get too used to the good nights of one waking)... I'm wondering about teething?!? Those molars are supposed to be agony...
At 4:15 PM,
Melissa said…
I've been thinking that teething is an issue. I can see big bumps where her lower cuspids and molars should be, so I think she's working on something. I just wish they would hurry up already!
At 6:19 PM,
Cataclysm said…
Yea, I should have clarified, agony for the babe and parents! Just after I wrote that comment, Rian woke up screaming and continued for 30 min, grabbing at his mouth.
I thought his gentle soul had been suctioned out during the nap as he normally wakes up smiling... I nearly bribed him with chocolate to get a smile from him...
At 10:16 AM,
Anne-Marie said…
We're waiting for molars as well since Sam's already got his top 4 and bottom 4 teeth. It's tough to see whether anything is cutting through since it means putting you finger in his mouth and getting chomped down on!
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